Natural-Colored Porcelain Microcement

The world of Microcements, like other products, is complex and varied; some powders manufactured by other companies, are made of cement and kenaf powder which are sold as Turkish or Italian brands! And some made with patina paste are sold as Microcement paste!
But what is the reality of Microcement? It’s a white paste consists of white powder only and only mixed with pure water that gets colorized with acrylic, plastic and pigment colors; but adding those would reduce persistence and gloss. In fact we came to conclusion that if colors are added to Microcement, it will decrease its antibacterial trait, makes it hard to be wiped or swept since it is rough and lessens the joy of using it in floors and facings. Another downside to the powder is not having enough strength and resistance against UV, which decolorize it through time.
After several research and efforts of production and quality control engineers, Shahkaar Honar Hashti production team known as Hashtico, managed to produce a brand new and unique combination in cooperation with Malaysian experts that utilizes mineral aggregates instead of color in Microcement powder. These natural aggregates are mined in our own beloved nation and ultimately its rich and ancient legacy of Iran has led us to the final product, giving us the opportunity to be not only the first powder producer of the world (not even similar products available) but also exporting to Germany, Turkey, Iraq and Syria happen for us.
Another perk to these auto Natural-Colored Microcements is the easy and economic installation compared to the aforementioned ones. In fact before these, installers had to use more Microcement powder to mix with intended colors in case of wrong predictions, there would be enough paste so it wouldn’t be bicolored at the end; if they were short on paste, it was mostly impossible to get the first color. However, these auto Natural-Colored Microcements solved this problem once for all, meaning when you choose a color and you have them with the wanted color, mixing 60% of them with 40% of water gives you a paste that whether one or thousand buckets, they all have one single color.
The second reason, our personal intention, is the increase in point and tensile strength of Microcements which achieved only after a lot of Hashtico’s engineers’’ hard work. We proud ourselves on being the only producer of porcelain Microcements that attributes only a 2 mm thick, 67 mega pascal point pressure and 19 mega pascal tensile strength and the maximum resistance to its users. Namely, we make them in a way that they have four times point and tensional pressure as a regular parquet and ceramic, and thrice as a regular stones and Microcements.
Another priority of this material is its weight of just 2 kg per one square meter put on structure, in contrast with parquet with 7 kg, ceramic with 11 kg and expose concrete with 23 kg of weighing on the structure. But tensile strength of auto colored porcelain Microcements prevents serious dangers in terms of up to 7.3 Richter earthquakes, if used on interior walls, floors and surfaces without even cracking. In addition to their potential of being used in pools! Due to being water proof.
We recommend you to visit our website for better understanding of our products. Additionally we strongly offer a ten-year-unconditional guarantee on implying all Hashticpasteo’s auto Natural-Colored porcelain Microcement powder, done by our executive team, in order to give you, our valued consumers, the most comfort and pleasure.